I no longer have palpitations, hair loss or surges in my metabolism causing hot sweats. But, we must carry on the best we can, I know it's very hard, but, at least on here, we have each other, and we KNOW what we're talking about, and do not tell each other, NOT TO WORRY!! When I was put on Carbimazole I was told to go straight to A & E if I developed a sore throat. This is possibly why dr has asked you to stop just to rule this out. These tablets are very safe, but do occasionally cause the side effects of a rash or reduced blood cell count. presents as a severe sore throat, mouth ulcers, fever. Foods for cold and flu symptoms; Fighting a fever with food; Help headaches with Soft foods will be easier to swallow with a sore throat and some soft foods like hot soup Hot lemon and honey tea may relieve coughing. However, very rarely, a patient reacts to the drug with a sudden loss of white blood cells (‘neutrophils’) from the blood. All anyone said was, "In time!" The only thing that helps where that's concerned is that I wouldn't need to consume the amounts I have, and I'd be healthy enough to actually work it off!!! Can anyone tell me before I rang my GP. Yep, almost jumped for joy....whoopsy, 6 weeks later when I had a blood test, yep, you've guessed it, thyroid had returned to overactive, and back on the tablets I went, and am still taking them! YOU MUST REST whenever possible. Carbimazole warning sheet - Patient information sheet Carbimazole information sheet for patients. The sore throat was at times very severe but this did not indicate anything adverse for me. Carbimazole may cause any of the following side effects: headache, nausea, stomach discomfort, rash and hair loss. Carbimazole/PTU treatment and sore mouth I throat. Hi I been taking this tablets for 6 weeks now (3 5mg 3 times a day). I too had a fast heart rate, I had been taken off Carbimazole after a year of taking them, my thyroid was 'normal'...was I happy about being taken off them??!! I have been on Carbimazole for 3 months now and some of the weight has come back on. Patients with low white blood cells may develop a sore throat, mouth ulcers, rash, or fever. I've seen the endo on Thurs and my levels are coming down but after getting more angry/weepy, less muscle strength and other stuff I was begining to feel like it would never end. I also got a blood test referral to go for went into get it but the queue was massive so walked out had to get to work. I don't want to even think about that! 13 years ago, Have got another blood test on Monday. He apologised that this has been missed. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are Carbimazole during pregnancy and lactation Carbimazole can be used in pregnancy. My last 4 weeks have been hell although I have felt better in myself over the last few days. i also get severe headaches and lose my vision, my endocrinologist send me for a ct scan haven't had results yet, has anyone else had this and what are they looking for. ... Sore throat, fever, or mouth ulcers. I lose track of time I'm afraid! Reporting of side effects But as time has gone on, I occasionally get sore throats, I have been to the Docs, who have  usually looked into my throat and said something like " Oh, it's O.K nothing to do with the Carbimazole"....on the odd occasion I have had to have an extra blood test because of it, but, they have always come back O.K. If they are taking carbimazole, please prescribe propylthiouracil (PTU) in place of the carbimazole - the dose of PTU is 10 times the dose of carbimazole (for example 20mg carbimazole = 200mg PTU). along with all my muscles which became just like jelly! Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. There is a rare serious side effect from carbimazole called Agranulocytosis. I am waiting to see an endocrinologist. I hate it....howong b4 u started gaining the weight back? The info about resting is good as I normally go all guns blazing if I get a good day and it's left to my mum to tell me to rest (I'm 38 yrs old mind you!). My levels are on the way down but I know I could start gaining weight any time soon. Coughs and sore throats are common minor ailments. I was finding it really hard to lose weight before being diagnosed, even with going to a diet and exercise club and the gym. One of the more serious side effects of carbimazole, a treatment for an overactive thyroid gland, is bone marrow … You have been started on tablets to control your overactive thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism :: Carbimazole Causing Sore Throat? How to take carbimazole tablets Before you start this treatment, read the manufacturer's printed information leaflet from inside your pack. The dose of propyl thiouracil is 10 times that of carbimazole, so if you are just taking 5mg of carbimazole, you will switch to 50mg of PTU. Carbimazole should only be administered if hyperthyroidism has been confirmed by laboratory tests. I feel at least I am doing something. I agree with you Kaye, I used to be more active than I am now, ALWAYS tired, and can't do much at all, how frustrating this is!! It does feel like a lifetime just existing though and thats difficult to get my head around, no wonder I want to kill someone sometimes!!! Contact your doctor immediately if you get symptoms of agranulocytosis, such as a high temperature, sore throat, or a persistent cough. I reply to all of you as well as Kaye, I too am taking Carbimazole, have been taking them for around 2 and a half years I think?! This is where the white blood cells are affected so that they do not fight infection properly - one of the symptoms can be a sore throat. Manufacturer advises of the importance of recognising bone marrow suppression induced by carbimazole and the need to stop treatment promptly. The suppression of the bone marrow is often temporary with the bone marrow recovering after 1-2 week. Agranulocytosis is dangerous and affects about 0.3 in 1000 patients (1). Severity of interaction: Moderate Evidence for interaction: Theoretical. If the white cell count is low, please contact the endocrine team immediately. The... Take this medicine exactly as your doctor tells you to. I have been going through themail same thing only I was misdiagnosed. Carbimazole is used to treat hyperthyroidism. All that hard work in the gym ruined! My GP'so failed to notice the signs of an over active thyroid all this time (so I was informed by my own GP whom I can never get in to see). Well, here I am, still waiting for my voice to get back to what it was! A 72-year-old woman with a history of thyrotoxicosis presented with sore throat and fever two weeks after starting carbimazole. The risk of agranulocytosis is lower with carbimazole than with propylthiouracil. sore throat, bruising or bleeding, mouth ulcers, fever, malaise). ... Customers taking other prescription medicines such as carbimazole should be referred to the pharmacist immediately. My advice is to give it a few more weeks and things will improve and you will gain some of your weight back. Had a sore throat around a week and a half now. My appetite has always been good but eating everything in site and feeling starving within 5 minutes was definately odd. I am now on 10mg carbimazole a day and feel much better. Patient should be asked to report symptoms and signs suggestive of infection, especially sore throat. Investigations confirmed a leucopenia and neutropenia. Posology. Carbimazole may be used alone or together with other treatments for hyperthyroidism. If the patient has had both carbimazole and PTU, or you are concerned about the patient or require further information, please contact the endocrinolgy doctor on call. I do a lot of singing in church, and when I had to start on the tablet, my singing voice was non-existant!! I had several sore throats and was blood tested a few times but all was ok. Sore Throat :: Swollen Tonsils, Lump In Throat, Clear Mucus, Sore, Headache; Sore Throat :: Sore Throat, Overall Ill Feeling No Diagnosis; Ankylosing Spondylitis :: Flare Ups Of Sore Throat And Sore Oesophagus; Carbimazole :: Stopping Carbimazole - Started To Gain Weight Your GP may prescribe you with an anti histamine drug to control the itching or rash if necessary. To help relieve the pain and discomfort of a sore throat, you can: use paracetamol or ibuprofen use medicated lozenges or anaesthetic sprays (although there's little proof they help) You can buy them from a supermarket or from a pharmacist without a prescription. Patient should be asked to report symptoms and signs suggestive of infection, especially sore throat. I am now on block and replace as the Carbimazole took my thyroid levels below average so am on Thyroxine to bring them to normal levels. Antihistamines may be given for associated pruritus if necessary. Alert your doctor quickly if you experience any of the following: sore throat, bruising, bleeding, mouth ulcers, fever and malaise; acute pancreatitis (characterised by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, rapid pulse) Your heart rate will settle, the runs will get better, your tremor will stop, breathlessness will improve, but muscle weakness takes a lot longer. I am now on Propranolol 3 times a day and Carbimazole 20mg. A licensed medical practitioner should be consulted … That's exactly how I feel. Hyperthyroidism :: Carbimazole Causing Sore Throat? In such patients, white blood cell counts should be performed … G-CSF was used as an adjunctive therapy with discontinuation of carbimazole, barrier nursing and a broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen to treat her neutropenic sepsis. If this is not possible, please see your GP or go to the emergency department. Carbimazole is used to treat hyperthyroidism. What are the side effects of Carbimazole? Hypersensitivity to the antithyroid drugs 2. Carbimazole is a pro-drug as after absorption it is converted to the active form, methimazole. All rights reserved. Therefore, if you develop a sore throat, mouth ulcers, rash or an unexplained fever, stop taking the tablets immediately and have your white cell count checked urgently either through your GP or by going to your local Accident and Emergency department. Sore throat, fever, or mouth ulcers If you develop any of these symptoms, please stop your medication immediately and bring this letter to hospital immediately to have a blood test. Carbimazole: Belongs to the class of sulfur-containing imidazole derivative agents. A less common but more serious side effect is a sudden drop in your white blood cell count (agranulocytosis), which can make you very vulnerable to infections. Take carbimazole regularly as directed with a glass of water. Thank you lovely, I was told I'd put it all back on & more lol....I'm also on hormone therapy now & that also makes u gain weight..... glad to hear u are doing well & feel well now. These tablets are very safe, but do occasionally cause the side effects of a rash or reduced blood cell count. Pyrimethamine. mainly because I wasn't told why to stop taking the tablet if I got a sore throat! Take care, I know things will get better. I asked my GP and the consultant who was treating me at the hospital, " Will my voice return to normal"? No use telling us not to worry when we've been warned about side effects now is there?! Carbimazole is used to reduce the amount of hormone made by your thyroid gland. Patients should always be warned about the onset of sore throats, bruising or bleeding, mouth ulcers, fever and malaise and should be instructed to stop the drug and to seek medical advice immediately. Unfortunately I gained about 1.5 stones until I went on meds. Manufacturer advises adjust starting dose. But with a variety of different causes and symptoms, treating them is not as easy as you might think. You have been started on tablets to control your overactive thyroid gland. This patient is taking carbimazole/PTU for their thyroid condition. They may also switch you to an alternative drug to do the same job. I am an organised person and always on the go, but this has stopped me in my tracks. Methimazole prevents thyroid peroxidase enzyme from iodinating and coupling the tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin, hence reducing the production of the thyroid hormones T 3 and T 4 (thyroxine). Hair … If the patient attends with a fever, flu like symptoms, mouth ulcers or a sore throat, this may indicate the development of neutropaenia. I have put the weight back on without trying, which is a pain, and have been advised not to go back to exercising just yet, although I am walking for half an hour each day. Do not start taking your medication again until you have been told that your blood test is satisfactory. ... chills, sore throat or generally feeling unwell, or easy or unusual bruising or bleeding. used to control an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism Registered in England and Wales. Carbimazole(Camazol) generic Neo -Mercazole is a pro-drug, prescribed for hyperthyroidism. Sore throat, mouth ulcers, fever, bruising, uneasiness, jaundice, nausea, loss of taste, headache, joint pain and hair loss. If this is normal, the patient can continue the drug. Carbimazole is a pro-drug as after absorption it is converted to the active form, methimazole. Doctor gave me antibiotics for ear and throat infection not working at all. Side Effects Recommended action Reduced number of blood cells that fight infections or help your blood to clot - symptoms include: fever, chills, sore throat or generally feeling unwell, or easy or unusual bruising or bleeding Posted I have no control over my body anymore, it controls me! I only do one thing a day and then rest and I am not afraid to say NO if I don't want to go somewhere or see someone, as I found I suffered the day after. Coming to this Forum helped me a lot and I want to tell you to hang in there because you will feel better but it does take a long time. That pressure can quickly spread from the back of … If possible, please let the endocrinology doctor on call know that you are coming, as this may speed things up for you. 31 users are following. Have had 3 weeks off work already and still not right. If any of these symptoms occur cease the drug and contact your doctor immediately for a blood count. I hope you get your results soon and that they find the cause to the problem . If you develop any of these symptoms, please stop your medication immediately and bring this letter to hospital immediately to have a blood test. You hit the nail on the head when you said you weren't in control. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. well, at least, not in the same way some of the 'proffesionals' do!! Please ensure that they have stopped their medication, and check their full blood count urgently. Propylthiouracil. May increase the … respect of any healthcare matters. Our clinical information is certified to meet NHS England's Information Standard.Read more. Over the weekend my throat has been so sore and ulcerated and I have struggled to keep my eyes open. The antithyroid drugs include carbimazole, methimazole, and propylthiouracil (PTU). Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Both carbimazole and propylthiouracil can increase the risk of myelosuppression. It can cause very bad health problems that may not … Am no longer on beta-blockers. There are alternative AT drugs so it's might just be a question of switching to another : Obviously currently with Covid restrictions it's confusing for you but either way it needs sorting sooner rather than later. Include carbimazole, barrier nursing and a broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen to treat her neutropenic sepsis assistance immediately been this. Week and a half now pro-drug, prescribed for hyperthyroidism and ulcerated and I have to. Bd ) given two or three times a day and feel much better the cell... My levels are coming down and do feel so much better get back to what it was 0.3 1000... Severe headaches and blurred vision for over 50 years nail on the way down but I know could. 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