Let everyone know that each one of us can make a difference. As part of its Climate Change Response, the Queensland Government is committed to supporting community action on climate change as the state transitions to a zero net emissions economy and adapts to the impacts of a changing climate. Put your purchasing power to good use by choosing brands that align with your new green aspirations. Check the building has proper insulation, and consider draught-proofing windows and doors. Climate change is a frightening thing. Climate science must be integrated as practical knowledge into society so that understanding the complex physical and biological interconnections are relevant to decision-making in … Use your car less, whenever possible, instead use sustainable transportation, such as bicycling, or use public transportation more often. There are also a number of ‘ethical banks’ you can investigate. Grand Rapids, Mich., stands as tangible evidence of what cities can do to reduce human impact on … Get involved in helping your city move towards policies and programmes for clean energy. We've put together detailed tips on nine things you can do to cut plastic from your shopping basket. However, it is greatly threatened, with 92% of … Infrastructure is also the area where city leaders have the most control. There are plenty of other ways to tackle climate change: Buy and grow local food, use renewable energy and energy-efficient appliances, insulate your home, nurture soils and grasslands, run for office, explore high- and low-tech ways to capture greenhouse gases, support research and organizations that can mobilize more people and resources to find solutions … Furthermore, Imperial research shows that poor air quality in the capital leads to around 1,000 London hospital admissions for asthma and serious lung conditions every year, and that air pollution in the United States is associated with 30,000 deaths and reduced life expectancy. (This animation illustrates that small changes to your home, transport, energy provider and diet can contribute in a big way to the fight against climate change). Add pot plants to your window sill or balcony, and if you have your own outdoor space, don't replace the grass with paving or artificial turf. Here's what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint without changing your whole life. While individuals alone may not be able to make drastic emissions cuts that limit climate change to acceptable levels, personal action is essential to raise the importance of issues to policymakers and businesses. IE 11 is not supported. The powers that be hold conferences and pass memorandums, but it sometimes seems as if there are forces, if … Try to choose fresh, seasonal produce that is grown locally to help reduce the carbon emissions from transportation, preservation and prolonged refrigeration. The authors have put … Our work on climate change Bet on adaptation, not just mitigation. Buy local, organic food where possible. Although a 1 degree rise in temperature sounds minimal, the effects of climate change are far-reaching, with floods, super-storms and droughts on the increase and seemingly no way to stop them. There’s still time for them to turn this around – and there are clear things they can do – but they need to take bold action now. What to do: Photo: Gerardo Pesantez / World Bank Buildings are the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissionswithin cities because of the energy that’s required for electricity, heating, and water. Decreasing the consumtion of meat, or even growing your own food, is incredibly helpful for our planet. From cleaner air and lower energy bills, to less stress on the NHS. By leaving your car in your garage and using public transportation, you are able to help with the pollution in a really easy way. Energy efficient buildings, low carbon public transport and encouraging cycling and walking are essential to cutting CO 2 emissions. For leisure trips, choose nearby destinations, and fly economy – on average, a passenger in business class has a carbon footprint three times higher than someone in economy. Despite wanting to be seen as a climate leader, the UK government has continued to fall short of what’s needed to meet targets and has not yet prepared the country for the consequences of climate change. Scientists, researchers and advocates share the top changes we can make to be part of the climate change solution. Climate Resilience Toolkit. Other changes have to be made to reduce global CO 2 emissions and an effective response lies in the hands of world politicians. Change to energy-efficient light bulbs. Using fossil fuels such as crude oil, natural gas, or coal affects our climate. So here’s a toolbox of the most impactful solutions for global warming (in no particular order) that you can do, today – and can pick and choose as you see fit: 1. For longer journeys, use public transport, or try car sharing schemes. There is a lot you can do to drive down this cost. Instead, talk positively, and be honest about the ups and downs. They are a healthy and environmentally friendly food source, so why don't we eat them? We are starting to see a decline in water supplies, increased wildfires, higher temperatures, sea levels rising, … Don’t be a bore or confrontational. The Adaptation Strategies below offer possible ways to address anticipated climate … Here are 10 simple actions you can take to help reduce global warming. 54. Plant trees. Double glazing, insulation and low-energy lights are all good ways to increase the energy efficiency of your home. Small changes to your behaviour at home will help you use less energy, cutting your carbon footprint and your energy bills: Put on an extra layer and turn down the heating a degree or two. But after raising the plinth, water doesn’t enter our courtyard anymore, and we could now do vegetable gardening there. Whether you use word of mouth or social media, there are always ways to educate others on what climate change is doing to our planet. Coasts, from the U.S. Let brands know if you think they are using too much packaging – some will take customer feedback seriously. Tell your Member of Parliament, local councillors and city mayors that you think action on climate change is important. Read more about why flying shouldn't necessarily be the default option for international travel, and how businesses can lead the way in reducing the demand for air travel. Changing jobs Josh from London actually changed jobs “into an organisation that is mitigating climate change”. While the group’s interferences across London, Edinburgh and more look to push governments to take the issue seriously and cut carbon emissions to zero by 2025, climate change activists recognise that is crucial for both policy-makers and individuals to take action — another of the organisation’s demands is to create a citizens’ assembly, allowing the public … There are many benefits to taking action on climate change, such as improved health, growth in the low-carbon jobs market, and reduced inequality. 10 Ways You Can Help Reduce the Climate Change. 9 things you can do about climate change . How Communities Can Adapt to Climate Change. Plant trees. Make sure your home is energy efficient. Our world is warming, but taking action on climate change can make all our lives better. In the case of long-distance travel, trains are more sustainable than airplanes, which cause a great deal of the CO 2 emitted into the atmosphere. For example, if someone lives in a coastal community, you can explain that climate change is causing sea levels to rise, which has already impacted many coastal communities and the severity of this impact will only increase as time goes on. Heat and cool smartly. Greening cities with parks and gardens reduces CO 2 and helps cool urban areas and reduce flooding. For trips in the same country or continent, take the train or explore options using an electric car. Power up on plants. High rises and hotel buildings in Punta Pacifica, Panama City, Panama. However, the discussion around responsible investment – weighing up environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and taking them into consideration when investing money – is growing. By … Women and climate change Effects of climate change on women and girls, profiles of women leaders. Replace light bulbs with LEDs or other low-energy lights. If you need to fly for work, consider using video-conferencing instead. To order printed versions of the leaflet, or for more information, contact: grantham@imperial.ac.uk. Trees are only part of the solution. The solutions are ranked by the amount of greenhouse gases they reduce by 2050. Find out where your money goes. Climate change is real, and here’s how we should do our part to prevent further damage. Green spaces, such as parks and gardens, are important. Myclimate also compares the carbon emissions of your particular flight, with the maximum amount of carbon dioxide a person should produce per year in order to halt climate change, and the average amount an EU citizen produces each year. This is a golden opportunity for education: for students, schools and communities to work together on a Share them with your friends and community — together we can make a big difference. Seagrass is a vital marine habitat for a variety of species and an incredible carbon sink that helps to reverse climate change. The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate report outlines the impact of climate change on the earth’s oceans and frozen places – or cryosphere – and our options to respond, Thu 26 Sep 2019 02.00 EDT Adaptation can help reduce the long-term costs of climate change impacts (IPCC 2007). Throughout the world, cities are investing in efficiency measures to mak… © 2021 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Climate change is real, and there are ways to mitigate it. For more details on how eating a more plant-based, seasonal diet can help tackle climate change, support the local economy and help us to live healthier lives, check out our blog: Saving the planet, one meal at a time. Encourage the use of renewable energies. And how does this fit into the bigger picture? 5. Transport has become the largest emitting sector of the UK economy, accounting for 28% of UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2017. But we do need to plant more trees, quickly. Here’s how our efforts came out: Climate Action: Growing Renewables: A big part of our Climate Action program aims to grow renewable energy Shop around for second-hand or quality items that last a long time. Switching energy supply to a green tariff is a great way to invest in renewable energy sources – and could save you money on bills too. Help to protect and conserve green spaces like local parks, ponds or community gardens. Climate change is happening; it is real. Alternative energy - using alternative energy such as solar, wind or tidal can reduce the use of fossil fuels. Ultimately, steps to reduce carbon emissions will have a positive impact on other local issues, like improving air quality and public health, creating jobs and reducing inequality. People around the world are already living with the effects of vanishing ice caps, coastal erosion and rising sea levels, which are destroying communities, forcing people out of their homes and damaging traditional lifestyles. Go vegetarian. “Not bringing another human being into an already overpopulated world is a big way to reduce the amount of resources used by human kind”, lamented one reader. If you don't have direct access to open spaces, this community volunteering charity brings people together to connect to nature, and create healthier and happier communities. References. “Religious communities can address some of the questions which are at the heart of climate change, such as fairness,” she said. Investigate trading in your diesel or petrol car for an electric or hybrid model. Changes in normal levels of heat, cold, rain, and wind are known as climate change. Avoiding meat and dairy products is one of the biggest ways to reduce your environmental impact on the planet. Download a designed, pocket-sized leaflet in PDF. Voice your concerns about responsible investment by writing to your bank or pension provider, and ask if you can opt out of funds investing in fossil fuels. There are still things ordinary people can do to fight climate change—but reducing your greenhouse gas emissions is only the first step. Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate report, Extreme sea level events ‘will hit once a year by 2050’. Hang-dry your clothes when you can and use dryer balls when you can’t. Find out who your MP is, and the best way to contact them. Look for the Energy Star label when buying new appliances. Climate change can still be tackled – but only if people are willing to embrace major shifts in the way we live, a report says. Published: June 29, 2020. We spoke to our scientists at the Grantham Institute and drew up a list of the most achievable ways you personally can make a difference. We must act now to stop 3. Climate actions have often fallen into one of two strategies: mitigation efforts to lower or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere, and adaptation efforts to adjust systems and societies to withstand the impacts of climate change. From a science education perspective, one major thing that can be done about climate change is to support education efforts that help individuals and societies make informed decisions about climate change. Alternatively, if you only need one for a short time, there are some all-electric car hire companies. Animals emit methane and other greenhouse gases and so a meat-free diet contributes to a reduction in global warming. You have probably heard that our planet is in danger. Studies suggest that a high-fibre, plant-based diet is also better for your health - so it can be a win-win. It has been shown to affect the health of unborn babies and increase the risk of dementia. This view was echoed by others. A prosperous future for the United Kingdom depends on their decisions about the environment, green spaces, roads, cycling infrastructure, waste and recycling, air quality and energy efficient homes. They help to regulate temperature by cooling overheated urban areas, can reduce flood risk by absorbing surface rainwater and can provide important habitats for a wide variety of insects, animals, birds and amphibians. St Christopher’s School in Hertfordshire is just one of several schools that provide vegetarian lunches for all on a daily basis. Community energy initiatives have grown massively around the country in recent years too. For some tips on successful climate-based conversations, check out Climate Outreach’s work with climate scientist and communicator Katherine Hayhoe. What Can Cities Really Do About Climate Change? Focusing your efforts to spread awareness about renewable energy is the best way … 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Climate Change . Over their lifetimes, products in your home that have earned the ENERGY STAR label can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 130,000 pounds and save you $11,000 on energy bills. Reduce plastic in your shopping. Communities can be supported to adapt the ways they shelter and settle themselves. If you are in rented accommodation, lobby your landlord to make sure the property is energy efficient. Learn how you can help fight climate change, find educator resources, or try the Climate Kids site featuring games, quizzes and facts. Sustainability appraisal can be used to help shape appropriate strategies in line with the statutory duty on climate change and ambition in the Climate Change Act 2008. Make simple changes to how you use hot water, like buying a water-efficient shower head. International work on climate change Climate change is a global problem – we're working internationally to influence governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve vital forests and help developing countries cope with a changing climate. Read about the benefits of integrating nature into urban spaces in our expert briefing: Integrating green and blue spaces into our cities: Making it happen. Check out TCV. 20 Fantastic Ways To Stop Climate Change. Reduce emissions. It makes for sobering reading. To reduce their exposure to the risks of climate change infrastructure can be strengthened, either in advance of an emergency or as part of an emergency response. Conversations are a great way to spread big ideas. How do the cost, time and carbon emissions of a single journey from London to Amsterdam by plane, compare to travelling by train? Our actions can create ripple effects that inspire and motivate collective actions, moving us towards the systemic change we need to tackle an issue like climate change. You can help to reduce the demand for fossil fuels, which in turn reduces global warming, by using energy more wisely. But there is something we can do – and that's increasing tree and woodland cover. And there’s a lot cities can do to tackle climate change, whether its promoting local clean energy generation, or putting in place chargepoints for electric vehicles. In the fight against Using your voice as a consumer, a customer, a member of the electorate and an active citizen, will lead to changes on a much grander scale. Climate change is a huge and complex issue and, as individuals, we can feel helpless. When behind the wheel, think about the way you drive: Make sure the tyres are fully pumped, and that the oxygen sensors are in good order – this can improve the cars fuel mileage and efficiency by up to 3% and 40% respectively. Our Vision: Healthy People in Healthy Communities . By The Grantham Institute. Over 100 schools have signed up to Meat-free Mondays and are including meat-free options on other days – but there is much more that can be done. What you can do about climate change Examples of free or low-cost actions you can take every day. This briefing paper and animation highlight the co-benefits of climate action, high-fibre, plant-based diet is also better for your health, blog on going vegan for top tips on making it a success, investigating how people in the Western world can be convinced to eat them, a passenger in business class has a carbon footprint three times higher than someone in economy, flying shouldn't necessarily be the default option for international travel, variety of reputable carbon offsetting schemes, poor air quality in the capital leads to around 1,000 London hospital admissions, air pollution in the United States is associated with 30,000 deaths and reduced life expectancy, trading in your diesel or petrol car for an electric, Switching energy supply to a green tariff, important habitats for a wide variety of insects, animals, birds and amphibians, provide multiple benefits to public health, National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces, Integrating green and blue spaces into our cities: Making it happen, ask if you can opt out of funds investing in fossil fuels, the discussion around responsible investment, Conversations are a great way to spread big ideas, Climate Outreach’s work with climate scientist and communicator Katherine Hayhoe, Take our online survey to share your suggestions, Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment, Download a designed, pocket-sized leaflet in PDF. Print Climate action resources for communities. Instead of getting in the car, walk or cycle – and enjoy the physical and mental health benefits, and the money saved. Thinking and acting at a local level helps communities fight climate … The other thing government can do is on the adaptation side. Researchers at Imperial have been investigating how people in the Western world can be convinced to eat them. This guide was produced by the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment, an institute of Imperial College London. Sometimes it can help to talk to people about climate change on a scale they can understand. Avoid single-use items and fast fashion, and try not to buy more than you need. The enormity of global warming can be daunting and dispiriting. Transcript. Climate change Around 230 councils have declared a climate emergency. Also, as local communities adopt CCCP measures, they become more financially self-reliant and resilient to weather and climate extremes. " For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. ... can reduce flood risk by absorbing surface rainwater and can provide important habitats for a wide variety of insects, ... this community volunteering charity brings people together to connect to nature, and create healthier and happier communities. They also provide multiple benefits to public health, with studies linking green space to reduced levels of stress. This week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will release a special report, which the WWF has contributed to, laying out in stark detail the impact of the melting of frozen regions on oceans and coastal areas. There are a variety of reputable carbon offsetting schemes that fund sustainable development projects or natural solutions like planting trees. Take Action Toolkit This toolkit, ideal for small groups or classroom settings, walks you through a set of questions and prompts to plan your own climate action project. All rights reserved. Banks, pensions funds and big corporates often hold investments in fossil fuel companies. The Woodland Trust are aiming to plant 64 million trees over the next 10 years – and need your help. This will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Councils are taking action to reduce their own carbon emissions and working with partners and local communities to tackle the impact of climate change on their local area. Previously saline water used to inundate our courtyard. Not only do cars contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, but air pollution caused by exhaust fumes from traffic poses a serious threat to public health. Set up a climate-crisis committee (consisting of students, staff, parents and members of the local community) to explore what your school can do. Scientists, researchers and advocates share the top changes we How we live and work together in communities and cities can have a huge impact in tackling climate change. top 100 climate-change solutions. Give unwanted items a new life by donating them to charity or selling them on. Winterize your home to prevent heat from escaping and try to keep it cool in the summer without an air conditioner. While the international efforts are discussed, local communities can take action, and many are. Check out our blog on going vegan for top tips on making it a success. (Assumptions: the start and end location are the main train terminal in the centre of each city; travel costs are for the cheapest advance tickets bought in advance and include all connecting journeys; carbon emissions are calculated using UK government greenhouse gas emissions factors for short-haul flights, ferry and international rail travel.). Climate change can make it more difficult for communities to provide drinking water and wastewater services, protect water quality, and maintain healthy aquatic environments. Create your own green space. You can help protect the planet by educating others about the dangers of climate change and how to act against it. With so many experts on climate change here at Imperial, many people ask us what they personally can do about it? No matter how fast we reduce emissions, we’re still going to have significant climate … Whether you want to plant a single tree in your garden, or a whole wood, they have tools and resources to help. Not everyone can do everything- the most important thing is that we all do the most we can to help save our earth. , take the train or explore options using an electric or hybrid model warming, but taking on... Transport and encouraging cycling and walking are essential to cutting CO 2 and! The property is energy efficient buildings, low carbon public transport and encouraging cycling and walking are to... About $ 1,000 a year can be a win-win biggest ways to the. An air conditioner, Extreme sea level events ‘ will hit once year! 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