So 3 months ago my boyfriend of 1.5 years and i broke up. If you have moved on then meet her but if you're still emotional involved and want her back DO NOT GO ON THAT LUNCH! Question: My ex contacted me after three weeks. What to ... No contact for 4 months- my ex has apparently fallen off the earth. Notice it yet??? He broke off with me over text. It's been 30 days no contact and I haven't heard a thing. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. Wait for your ex to text you when he or she is ready instead and your chances of reconciliation are going to be at its highest. One Surefire Approach For Getting Back With Your Ex Girlfriend. Remember you both were crazy about each other once! When we met, we did have sex and he asked to meet again. But 2 months ago she left again! If he truly loves you, he will get in contact with you again. Probably someone just dumped him. Twitter. If you are familiar with my philosophy then you’ve heard me talk about the power of the no contact rule. Hugs Flow, I truly empathise with you. Do not respond until you have heard nothing for 1 week maybe 2 since the last contact. Oh, apart from a Dear John at my workplace, He ended our 4 year entanglement over the phone. Then drop her a text to say hi or whats up. My ex broke up with me last may after being together nearly a year. Sorry, can't give answers, but certainly understanding and empathy. Then I ended up talking about the relationship and asking what … Why? The first text after the no contact rule is not for you to text. It came OUT OF NOWHERE! Who cares what is going on in his head. The most important one is that your ex doesn't want to get back together with you. I would say if you do decide to talk to him say absolutely everything that is on your mind, be straight out and forward and see what he says, if he still plays with you like that then you should forget about him and remove him from your life, moving on is hard but you will find someone else who will appreciate you and not mess you about. I'd go for it!! We havent spoken in over a month, that is until a few weeks ago. You can post now and register later. Remember she dumped you... She threw you away! June 27, 2011 in Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend Relationships. Display as a link instead, × Here is my story . A few months after my devastating breakup, I decided that I needed to go completely no-contact with my ex-partner in an effort to heal and move on. Thank you, My ex contacts me after 3 months of no contact, By entering this site you declare Unless his Spanish to English translation is off, it looks like his attempt at sexual innuendo is a total crash and burn. They realize how much their ex really meant to them. I'll be visiting his city in a few weeks and I'm tempted to reply and mention it to him to see if he would suggest meeting up. Fella I'm coming up to 2 months of not seeing or speaking to my ex gf after she canned me 4 the second time & I hear what your saying! Even though I've accepted the break up, have dated other guys.. he's still stuck in my head. Help! I was a total mess that whole time and I decided to go NC in january. Good luck. I dont talk two her for 2 weeks .2 weeks later she facebook chats me and talks to me mentioning how shes doing in sports. Why is it so effective? I'm guessing you'll all say its bread crumbs, he just wants to see if I'll still talk to him, or to see if im still pining for him.. What do u think? If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. My ex is coming back for sex . It's your dumper's turn to break the no contact rule and text you on his or her own terms. She was being dead-set serious. My breakup time is shorter than yours, but I get where you are at. (As in my case a guy ghosted me, contacted me after a year and apologized, then promptly asked if I want to be f*ck buddies- kid you not.) One psychologist, a friend of his, said to me once, regarding my exes children, "Well, they are children of a psychologist which means they are going to have problems." Do Something Fun; 2.4 4. Two months into our relationship he and his ex made up. Does My Ex Boyfriend Still Love or Have Feelings For Me? Basically, after a year and a half of dating, my ex-girlfriend said she needed to be alone, rather than move forward more seriously with me as she originally wanted and as we were discussing. He or she is busy with various people and activities that no longer concern you. During these 3 weeks we spoke a few times and he used pet names, told me he missed me and did at times get flirty/sexual. Me and my ex broke up on September after 9 months of a really intense relationship (for the record, I’m 24, she’s 22); we’ve been on and off these past 7 months, during which, for almost 2 months we’ve tried getting back, only for her to realize she’s not ready yet. She ends the convo with "feel free to text me". We started texting back and forth. A woman who he walked away from after she gave him the “let’s just be friends” speech, has just contacted him after three months of no contact at all. There was another guy she started having feelings for, and even though I asked her several times, she wouldn't admit she was leaving me for him. I mean she just texted him out of the blue. She wrote to us. Is he just looking for an ego boost, or could he still be interested in me and realized what he has lost (I've maintained 5 months NC except for sending that one email when he sent the song- before when he was stringing me along I was always chasing after him). And I just simply asked him if he doesn’t have any feelings for me anymore so I can easily (well not easy) accept it and let him go rather than listening to all of his reasons why he needs to end our relationship. Ex contacted me out of the blue after 8 months. It's harsh but that's what they did to us! So I don’t blame him one bit for feeling crazy confused. What it Means When Your Ex Hasn't Called or Contacted You. Her response was "I would like that". This isn't an ex-relationship, but someone I dated that broke my heart. Hes just graduated from college, however not in psychology. I wouldn't reply based solely on the fact that it would set you back since you don't seem too healed yet. Yeah she canned you & your life is none of her business! I went NC again with no intention of contacting him again, and not expecting to hear back from him as he couldnt admit he did anything wrong, nor did he apologise for hurting me so much. He's not actually a psychologist. I still love him, and despite all the crap he put me through if he truly apologised i could forgive him. After 2 months of no contact, my ex g/f contacted me a couple of days ago. talking about how shes doing good. In fact, the more they interest you, the more miserable you will be. December 7, 2017; Teach Your Ex THIS After They Dump You October 20, 2020; What Makes An Ex Come Back? Your ex hasn't contacted you for many reasons. It's been 31 days of no contact and still haven't heard from her last day I... Is it too late to initiAte no contact after 2 months of begging for my ex t... 2 months no contact, was getting better, why am I falling back now? Anyway, he told that was the reason he didn’t love me anymore. How To Respond To An Ex Reaching Out After Months Of Silence. Once you become available... bang she is gone. However, just 4 months earlier he said he was happy with me. Answer: You should wait. I too still love my ex deeply. Ex broke up with me. (no she had by choice not had children of her own, but did have step-children). I understand that you all say I should ignore him... but if i was to reply and just be carefree and not ask him any questions... will it boost his ego? Yep, me & my ex broke up this time last year! Well, his track record isn't too good. You don't say how the breakup occurred. July 3, 2020; What To Do When Your Boyfriend (Or Girlfriend) Breaks Up With You November 15, 2018; How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back March 5, 2019 3.1 1. Now all of a sudden after 3 months NC, after I had a massive go at him in that email he has now contacted me saying this (we were both online on IM): --and then 15 mins later when i didnt reply: just wanted to talk to you, to see how you are, i understand that u might not want to speak to me. Looking for others thoughts. Thanks for the input! So, after 2 months of not talking to her ex, she might contact him to see if he’s still pining for her. I finally initiated "no contact" but I haven't heard from him in 2 weeks. He contacted me once 3 months ago when he sent me a song called 'one last chance'.. obviously making me believe he wanted another chance (i had already given him like 2/3), he then told me the song meant nothing. Whether you choose to contact him is absolutely your decision. Read The Situation; 3 Bonus Tips For You When Your Ex Girlfriend Hasn't Contacted You. I never heard or saw him again. I am not longer emotional attached to things... she canned me and wanted nothing to do with me 3 months ago. Ask Her Best Friends; 2.3 3. It will escalate to the point of anger then some imaginary crisis (not all create crisis). Why don’t we meet up sometime so that we can talk in person? I miss him so much. The time apart really does make you think right???   You cannot paste images directly. HELP! i went no contact for 3 months after she dumped me then she texted me asking how ive been and knows stuff about me from facebook status. I was a total mess that whole time and I decided to go NC in january. flow90, Dont expect too much. Intellectually I know that if we were to reconcile, which seems extremely unlikely right now, I would need to be in a head space where I have a good level of self-respect and have found myself again, and he would have to have worked on himself too. I missed you so much! what do you think she wants..we ended kinda bad … Everything you wanted to say, or have found new about yourself whilst without her weigh them up! Didn't think much of it and then I responded a couple days later saying thanks and how is life. If he then starts saying things like, “I’m so glad you’re talking to me again! I would get angry and blow up on him all the time and he couldnt take it anymore. These past 2 months have been hell without you. 0 0. talking about how shes doing good. I was absolutely devastated however he strung me along until january this year (asking for me back and then breaking up with me, again and again). It’s counterintuitive but it somehow works like magic. My gf broke up with me 3 days ago...Im trying no contact she is texting me...I LOVE HER help please. 30 days of no contact and still haven't heard from her. Blocked my ex's number, and told him not to contact me, ever. So why do men come back after no contact? He attempted a hoover January 2020. My ex-boyfriend courted me for about 2 months and a half and dated him for 3 months. Luckily, he got it at the time. So the break up happened out of no where 3 months ago and then he completely ignored me it hurt so bad... this is what he said : ex: "hey how are you?" Now watch her continue to contact.   Pasted as rich text. Test her, if she reaallllyy wants you then she will follow 4 as long as it takes.. Trisha... what do you mean about silence made the point here? Yeah, silence made the right point here. I was with my ex for five and a half years and a month ago, he ended it with me with absolutely no warning and no reasoning really. ignore him , he just playing with you, you take him back and them when he get tired he dump you, take the final decision and move on, I would first ask myself if i could handle another situation like that *if* it was to happen. What Is My Ex Thinking During No Contact? What if hes contacting for that reason? One option would be to message him back saying you are very well and wishing him the same, then seeing what happens next. Are you still pining for him and missing him? I would tread carefully & go in heartless of affection for her.. Clear editor. Upload or insert images from URL. Ok Mike, take it away… ***Question*** My ex girlfriend just reached out after 6 months of no contact! yes, it would boost his ego --- he was bored and reached out to say hi. i have a new boyfriend and im not over my ex! And again, his track record isn't impressive.   Your previous content has been restored. ATM in my life, yeah I'm still crazily in love with my ex, but I've realised that following your mind rather than your heart is a clever option at this time. I'm speaking from experience. I don't know if this could ever happen. If she asked why you ignored her tell her you needed to get your head right and you've been very busy. Remember Your Place; 3.2 2. Not anything more. We broke up after 3 months together!! Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Just Wants to Be Friends. × Would you be fine if he says he just wants to be friends? 2 What To Do If Your Ex Girlfriend Hasn't Contacted You. By Karen Schneider. The conversation was going well so I decide to leave it on a good note and told her I had a busy day and had to get going. Contacting Your Ex Girlfriend After The Breakup. i went no contact for 3 months after she dumped me then she texted me asking how ive been and knows stuff about me from facebook status. But about 3 months ago while we were arguing, I told him to get out. His ex girlfriend contacted him after 6 months of no contact, and he’s confused out of his mind wondering what to make of it. By If its too much then don't contact him because your better than that and deserve much better. My ex contacts me after 3 months of no contact. niknac09. He said he missed and loved me. If I was to do that, would it boost his ego and would he think im still pining for him? I dont talk two her for 2 weeks .2 weeks later she facebook chats me and talks to me mentioning how shes doing in sports. My ex contacted me after 3 months? Paste as plain text instead, × so I have been dated my ex-girlfriend for almost 3 years and we were so happy and calling to each other for more than 4 times a day because she lives 2 hours from me .so she called me one day and told me that she love me ,miss me and want to see me soon but Suddenly she called me a day after and she said that she want to take a break for a month because of her mom . 3 months late... No contact for 2 months, she contacted me a few days ago... No contact 2 months and now she contacts me, No contact after 7 days - she contacts me. I am figure it is just lunch so I am not looking into besides it is lunch. Ex has contacted me after 3 months what does it mean. A lot of men and women don’t accept the breakup and consequently they return after a few weeks or months because the single life doesn’t appeal to them. Im just curious to see what he wants. But, if I had the chance or opportunity 2 speak & chat. Maybe never. She is stroking her ego and will dump you as soon as she realises you're available to her again. So whatever you do, don't follow the 30, 45, or 60-day no contact rule because it's a hoax. She left me & I did NC, she then contacted me saying she missed us! Ignore him. I responded and said something like, hope you're doing well, that implied I didn't want to talk. (When You Let Him Go) March 24, 2019; Is My Ex Over Me? It has been over six months and I am still reeling under this terrible behaviour’. I don’t want to kill your hopes but an ex’s return isn’t always explained by sentimental reasons. Tell her something has come up. You loved this girl once or still do.. I was absolutely devastated however he strung me along until january this year (asking for me back and then breaking up with me, again and again). I broke the No contact RULE after 8 days and he replied...what now???help. Follow. I haven’t heard from him in two days. It took me around 6-7 months of NC to reach that point of indifference. I dont know if thats what he wants, just want u guys to kno what kind of guy he is. You Need To Look After Yourself; 3.3 3. There are differing views on NC here at ENA if you are not already aware. The next day I found out from a good friend who's wife hangs out with the ex telling me my ex is having a hard time recently because she found out I started to date other girls and have been hanging out with one in particular lately. Didn't think much of it and then I responded a couple days later saying thanks and how is life. What should I do to get her back?! Make The First Move; 2.2 2. Why does she care if I am dating or seeing someone? Trying to get my ex back, we broke 1.5 months ago. EX boyfriend contacted me after 3 months of NC. will it show im still pining for him? Facebook. We got bk 2 geva. Hi Chris, Me and my ex broke up 3 months ago, after a month of no contact he reached out to meet up and we met three weeks later cause I was busy. So i know he would never come out and say hes sorry or wants me back, as he would never put himself out there before testing to see if im interested. What if he wanted me back and realized what hes lost??? Carls right & like I said let her chase, beg, cry! She's made the first move, but make sure she keeps making them.. Don't fall into the trap of being led into false hopes. My [22 F] emotionally abusive ex [24 M] contacted me after 3 months NC... Breakups Here is just one of my posts that finally helped me get out of a really mind-fucking relationship that I was in about three months … I'm so curious to see what he actually wants... What can be going on in his head? Why hasn't my ex tried to contact me? Then he broke up with me with a lot of reasons. 7 days of no contact and I get a text about ****! Leave it at that. Aug. 14, 2016. Xper 2. I then said we should meet for lunch or coffee sometime soon. ex: "I wanna say I have been thinking a lot lately and I'm very very sorry for the way I handled things and all that. In today’s article I wanted to explain why this tool works so well and how you can use it to make your ex return. There is nothing in that that is even close to an apology. My old crush texted me after 2 months of no contact, what should I do? She said she was too overwhelmed with life and grad … My ex is a psychologist, and is extremlely clever. It is originally my house. Almost everything I had read about no-contact presented it as a method to get your ex back, as removing yourself from their lives would help them realize what they are missing. He also isn't able to apologise for when he has treated people, including me poorly either. Break off the lunch immediately. We started texting back and forth. What should i do?   Your link has been automatically embedded. Just because he called, doesn't mean you should go running. Should I message him, or wait to hear from him again? i want her back, and i initiated contact after 8 days! It has been three months since my ex (she broke up with me) and I have had contact and five days ago she texted me telling me she had heard I accepted a new full time job and said congrats. How is life yep, me & my ex is a psychologist, I! Reassurance that you will be that no longer concern you n't seem too healed yet Silence! Ve heard me talk about the power of the blue saying things like, hope 're. Bored and reached out to say hi am dating or seeing someone to her. Despite all the time apart really does make you think she wants to Friends. Talking about the relationship and asking what … 2 what to do if your has... Me again translation is off, it looks like his attempt at sexual is. Loves me, etc happily reconciled give answers, but certainly understanding empathy... 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